Verniana — Jules Verne Studies/Etudes Jules Verne — Volume 2 (2009–2010)

Index des membres du Comité de rédaction

William Butcher ( and has taught at the École nationale d’administration, researched at the École normale supérieure and Oxford, and is now a Hong Kong property developer. His publications since 1980, notably for Macmillan, St Martin’s and Gallimard, include Verne’s Journey to the Centre of the Self, Jules Verne: The Definitive Biography and Salon de 1857. In addition to a series of Verne novels for OUP, he has recently published a critical edition of Le Tour du monde en quatre-vingts jours.

Daniel Compère est professeur de littérature française à l’Université de Paris III-Sorbonne nouvelle. Créateur du Centre Jules Verne d’Amiens en 1972, il a publié de nombreux ouvrages et articles sur Jules Verne (dont Les Voyages extraordinaires de Jules Verne, Pocket, 2005). Président de l’Association des Amis du Roman populaire et responsable de la revue Le Rocambole, il a également consacré des publications à la littérature populaire dont deux livres sur Alexandre Dumas (dont D’Artagnan & Cie, Les Belles Lettres - Encrage, 2002). Récemment, il a dirigé un Dictionnaire du roman populaire francophone (Editions Nouveau Monde, 2007).

Volker Dehs (, né en 1964 à Bremen (Allemagne) se voue depuis 25 ans à la recherche biographique et à l’établissement de la bibliographie vernienne. Éditeur de plusieurs textes ignorés de Jules Verne, il est co-éditeurteur (avec Olivier Dumas et Piero Gondolo della Riva) de la Correspondance de Jules et Michel Verne avec leurs éditeurs Hetzel (Slatkine, 5 vols, 1999 à 2006). Il a traduit plusieurs romans en allemand et en a établi des éditions critiques. Ses textes sur Jules Verne ont été publiés en francais, allemand, anglais, espagnol, portugais, polonais, japonais et turc.

Arthur B. Evans ( is Professor of French at DePauw University and managing editor of the scholarly journal Science Fiction Studies. He has published numerous books and articles on Verne and early French science fiction, including the award-winning Jules Verne Rediscovered (Greenwood, 1988). He is the general editor of Wesleyan University Press’s “Early Classics of Science Fiction” series.

Terry A. Harpold ( is an Associate Professor of English, Film, and Media Studies at the University of Florida (USA), and the author of Ex-foliations: Reading Machines and the Upgrade Path (University of Minnesota Press, 2008). His essays on Jules Verne have appeared in Bulletin de la Société Jules Verne, ImageText, IRIS, Revue Jules Verne, Science Fiction Studies, and Verniana.

Rob Latham ( is Associate Professor of English at the University of California, Riverside. A coeditor of the journal Science Fiction Studies since 1997, he is the author of Consuming Youth: Vampires, Cyborgs, and the Culture of Consumption (Chicago, UP, 2002), as well as numerous articles on science fiction history and theory. He is currently working on a book on New Wave science fiction of the 1960s and 1970s.

Jean-Michel Margot ( is an internationally recognized specialist on Jules Verne. He currently serves as president of the North American Jules Verne Society (NAJVS, Inc.) and has published several books and many articles on Verne and his work. His most recent include a study of Verne’s theatrical play Journey Through the Impossible (Prometheus, 2003), a volume of the nineteenth-century Verne criticism Jules Verne en son temps (Encrage, 2004) and the introduction and notes of Verne’s The Kip Brothers (Wesleyan University Press, 2007).

Walter James Miller (, television and radio writer, critic, poet, and translator, is generally regarded as one of the leading Verne scholars. His more than sixty books include The Annotated Jules Verne (a Book-of-the-Month selection), Engineers as Writers, Making an Angel: Poems; critical commentaries on Vonnegut, Heller, Doctorow, Beckett, critical editions of Homer, Shakespeare, Conrad, Dickens, and Dumas. His articles, poems, and reviews have appeared in The New York Times, New York Quarterly, Western Humanities Review, Literary Review, Explicator, College English, Authors Guild Bulletin, Science Fiction & Fantasy Book Review, Engineer, Transactions on Engineering Writing and Speech,Civil Engineering, and many other periodicals and anthologies. From the Literary Review he has won its Charles Angoff Award for Excellence in Poetry; from the Armed Forces Service League, a prize for military fiction; and from the Engineers’ Council for Professional Development, a special award for his NBC-TV series, Master Builders of America. A veteran of World War II, he has taught at Hofstra University, the Polytechnic University, Colorado State University, and is now Professor of English at New York University.

George Slusser ( has a BA in English Literature/Philosophy from UC Berkeley, and a PhD in Comparative Literature from Harvard, in modern English/American, German and French literatures (1750-present). His dissertation dealt with the birth of the fantastic in art and music in Diderot, Hoffmann and Balzac. He is a Woodrow Wilson Fellow, has held two Fulbright teaching fellowships (Tübingen and Paris X), a California Council for the Humanities fellowship, and authored a major Title IIC grant for the Eaton Collection. Professor of Comparative Literature at UC Riverside, he served as Curator of the Eaton Collection for 28 years, until his retirement in 2006. He has written and/or edited 36 books to date, and has published over 125 articles in several languages and multiple venues. With Danièle Chatelain he has co-authored articles on the narrative structures of SF, and two translations/critical editions, in the Wesleyan Early SF series, of neglected forerunners of the genre: Balzac’s The Centenarian (2006), and the forthcoming From Prehistory to the Death of the Earth: Three Novellas of J.H. Rosny aîné (Fall 2010). His most recent publication (with Gary Westfahl) is Science Fiction and the Two Cultures (McFarland, 2009). He is working (with Danièle Chatelain) on a study of science and fiction in 19th century France, Cartesian Mediations.

Garmt de Vries-Uiterweerd ( is a physicist at the University of Gent. He has read and collected the works of Jules Verne since the age of eleven. He has been an active member of the Dutch Jules Verne Society since its beginning, as webmaster, as assistent editor of the magazine Verniaan, and as president of the Society. He has translated various Verne texts into Dutch, among others Les méridiens et le calendrier and Souvenirs d’enfance et de jeunesse.